Environmental Inspection Service offers Mold Testing, Asbestos Testing, Radon Testing, Indoor Air Quality Testing, and Lead Paint Testing in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Culver City, Palos Verdes and surrounding cities along with Berkeley, San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Freemont, Hayward, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Sunnyvale, and other Bay Area cities. Call us at (310) 396-6532 (Los Angeles office) or (510) 868-1184 (San Francisco/Bay Area office).

Schedule Environmental Testing

If you'd like to schedule an environmental inspection, or request more information from us on pricing and our services, please submit this form.

Please enter your name

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Please enter a number where we can contact you

Please enter in the address of the property to be inspected

Please enter in the approximate square footage of the property

Please enter in your real estate agents name if you have one

Please enter in the date that you'd like the inspection to occur on. We will confirm the date with you via phone or email.


Please enter in the time that you'd like the inspection to occur at. We will confirm the time with you via phone or email.

If someone referred you to us, please let us know so we may thank them

Please enter in any additional comments or questions about the inspection that you may have

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Environmental Inspection Services provides Mold Testing, Asbestos Testing, Radon Testing, Indoor Air Quality Test, Lead Paint Testing in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Culver City, Palos Verdes and surrounding cities. We offer both residential and commercial environmental inspections by highly trained inspectors who provide value and a cost effective service. Please call 310-396-6532 for a quote.